Сочинения: Extra–sensory Perception, 1934; Extra–sensory Perception after sixty Years, 1940; The Reach of the Mind, 1947; A review of the Pearce–Pratt distance series of ESP tests, ”J. O. Parapsychology“, 1954, 18, p. 165–177; Incorporeal personal agency: the prospect of a scientific solution, ”J. O. Parapsychology“, 1960, 24, p. 279–309; (Ed) Progress in Parapsychology, Durham, N.C., 1971; The psychology of the step beyond, in: Readings in Psychology Today, Del Mar, Cal., 1972, p. 294–299. Литература о нем: Рузе–М. Истинная история отца парапсихологии, ”Наука и жизнь“, 1981, N–6, с. 152–155; Bauer–E., Lucadou–W.V. Parapsychologie, in: Handworterbuch der Psychologie, Munch., 1988.